Blue Collar Screening Solution

An integrated solution streamlining the process of securing a reliable, skilled, and trustworthy blue-collar workforce, offering convenience and efficiency in a single platform for employers seeking dependable labor with the right expertise and integrity.

Easiest, most flexible, and most delightful employment background check experience

Overcoming the Challenges with Blue Collar Verification

Identity Misrepresentation

Check for the genuineness of the blue collar workforce to safeguard your business from the risk of identity theft.

Safety Concerns

Insufficient screening can expose your business to potential safety hazards by hiring individuals with criminal records or disciplinary issues.

High Turnover

Inadequate screening leads to higher turnover rates, adding unnecessary costs and disruptions to your operations.

Ensuring Reliability, Skill, and Trustworthiness in the Workforce

The Process of Blue Collar Verification

Step 01

Collecting PoI and PoA documents (Aadhaar card, Voter ID card, electricity bill, etc)

Step 02

OCR based extraction to run real-time check

Step 03

Worker clicks a selfie and we matches that with the photo on ID document

Step 04

The verification is done. In case of insufficiency, the worker can re-upload.

Your Security with Seamless Blue Collar Verification

Why Smartikcs

Find out a new era of security with SmartIkcs Blue Collar Verification" the paragraph says. By securely authenticating people, preventing threats, and guaranteeing compliance, our state-of-the-art technologies redefine trust. With SmartIKCS, innovation and superior Blue Collar Verification collide to boost your company's security posture.

Find Your Solution

Provide us with some information about your company, and a representative will get in touch with you soon to go over the best screening options for your requirements.